Josh, Emily, Brook, Kristie, 40 Horse Cave, Nov 24, 2012

Wednesday, April 21, 2010's beginning to look like a baby!

A week ago today we went to get our first ultrasound! It was incredible. What was I expecting the baby to be, boy or girl? Well, to honestly answer, a girl. However, the week leading up to the ultrasound I was beginning to wonder if it might be a boy. I know that is what Josh wanted, a boy, though when we were first talking about getting pregnant he said he wanted a little girl. So, as I lied on the table, stomach all gooped up, rolling thingy pressed firmly against my already weak bladder, I was not too surprised by what I saw.

The technician when straight for the good stuff to reveal the all to present question: so...what is it? When she found the proper view, looking up at the tiny bottom, I knew exactly what I was looking at. She asked "so any guesses as to what you're having." Josh just looked at the screen, looked at me and smiled, like he had no clue what he was looking it. I said, "well, not really...." when in fact I did. She then said "It's a girl" and the phrase "I'm a girl" was placed on the image. IT'S A GIRL!!

It was an incredible experience to finally "see" the baby. It was a little strange to see her moving so much, and hear the technician comment on how active she is, but not being able to feel the movement. That has changed in the past week. I can feel her moving more and more. Kicks, punches, flips. There have been a few times I have been sure that Josh would be able to feel the bumps on the outside, but he has not felt it yet...soon, though, very soon.

It was fun telling everyone what we were having. It seemed everyone "knew" what we would have, and some "knew" what they wanted us to have. My dad was positive it was a boy. So positive that when I told him over the phone we found out he said "it's a boy" I said, "no, it's a girl," he replied "a boy then." He has said that ultrasounds have been wrong before, I think to make himself feel better. My mom also said it was a boy, though she was holding and looking at the images from the ultrasound. No, Mom, it's a girl. "Oh!" she exclaimed! "Can I go shopping now?"

Needless to say, we are very excited and look forward to meeting this precious angel.

I finished with all my finals yesterday afternoon and I have some time off, until next Tuesday when Spring Term starts. I am only taking 3 classes and I will have a lot more time to rest. The play finishes this week, which is always a bitter-sweet experience. Josh has a state debate competition tomorrow and then his schedule should get a lot better as well.

We miss all of you and hope all is well in your lives!

The Wallaces


  1. I was so excited to hear that our baby girl will have a girl cousin to play with. I love the updates. Josh will start feeling those kicks really soon. Take care. We love you guys

  2. I am so happy for you guys, she is a very lucky little girl. You guys will be great parents. I look forward to meeting her.

  3. We never had ultrasounds until the last 2 and there is nothing like it! I will never forget the feeling of the sweet baby moving around inside of me. Get some rest and enjoy every moment you guys! We are so happy for you and your
    beautiful little girl!
