Josh, Emily, Brook, Kristie, 40 Horse Cave, Nov 24, 2012

Sunday, November 20, 2011


It has been quite some time since I have written here, so let me catch up.

For me, school is going really well. I only have 3 weeks left of actually in class classes before I get a respite in preparation for my student teaching coming up in January. I am so grateful for this semester. It has brought me many new friends, new experiences to learn from and more opportunities to rely on the Lord. I directed my first play (cutting of a play) and it was beautiful. I know that it was by grace (strength and ability beyond my own) that I was able to do so. I am so grateful for my professors and for all they have taught me. I have strengthened so many friendships; I know that my life, my choices and the Spirit as led me to this moment, right now. The wonderful people I have been blessed to work with now would not have been a part of my life had we not decided to have Brook when we did. I know that. They will forever be a part of my life and I am so humbled that they are now and always be a part of my life and my professional network. Furthermore, I completed a goal I set one year ago: run in a Half Marathon. I ran the Provo Halloween Half--it was beautiful and fun. My sister Kellie, kindred spirit, was my angel; she ran with me, step by step, kept me hydrated and moving. It was my first, her third in 1 1/2 months, and I am grateful for her willingness to support me on the trail.

Josh is also doing well. These past two weeks marked the start of the busiest time of the school year for him. He started basketball tryouts and practices the same week he started Mock Trial. Thankfully we have the new habit of going to bed at 9 o'clock every night so that we are both getting the rest we need to do so much. He is such an amazing man; he does so much for me and for our little family. Let's face it, anyone who can put up with me and my amazingness must be a saint already, already canonized.

Brook is growing so much! She brings such joy into my life. She starts every day with smiles and giggles, talking from the moment she get
s up. So much of life to enjoy. She is very in tune as well to my feelings and what I am going through, even at her young 14 1/2 month age. She knows when I need a hug around my leg, a pat on the arm, or just a jabber that means so much to her that I wish I could speak her language.

Brook has three teeth coming in on top to accompany her two bottom teeth; this apple is proof of her gnawing desire to eat adult food.
Chatting with Grandma and Grandpa Wallace. She had to lie on the floor right in front of the screen. Her narcissism showed as she talked more to the image of herself in the bottom righthand corner than to Grandma (she does say Grandma--"maama"--and Grandpa--"grapa").
She played in this box for over 30 minutes. Like on my favorite show, Modern Family, "give a kid a toy and they'll play with the box. So the next year we gave Luke a box...and he played with the bag we wrapped it in."

Here's Brook helping Josh empty the dishwasher. It has become one of her favorite things to do. So domestic:)

God is good; He is love, peace, joy, strength and ever aware of me.