Josh, Emily, Brook, Kristie, 40 Horse Cave, Nov 24, 2012

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ultrasound Update: 21 weeks and counting....

I did not mention this in my last blog because I had not yet discussed it with my doctor. During the ultrasound it was discovered that the umbilical cord only has one artery and one vein (normally 2 arteries and one vein). This occurs in 5-6% of all pregnancies. The ultrasound doctor did not give me a lot of information regarding the affects of this, but my doctor did call me the day after the ultrasound to talk about it. Unfortunately I was in a class and missed her call. We played phone tag for a week until I was able to talk to her yesterday.

She had nothing but reassuring information for us. She said that most babies with this "condition" are fine, and since the rest of the ultrasound was normal and looking great, she did not have much concern. What will be done is an ultrasound every month from here on out to measure the growth of our precious baby girl, which the doctor anticipates to be fine, as well as weekly fetal monitoring from 34 weeks until the end of the pregnancy. She said that it is unlikely to cause any problems with the baby, but the monitoring will make sure that the blood flow stays normal and that the fluid around her does not change.

I have had some very faith-promoting and wonderful experiences as I have been guided in my personal gospel and scripture study since finding out about this. I know that this baby girl is a blessing and is very special, that Heavenly Father is excited and joyful for Josh and I to be parents, and that my understanding and testimony of the Atonement is and will continue to be a strength to me.


  1. You will be such good parents. My prayers are with you.OXOX Granny

  2. Miracles happen---keep the faith and she IS a blessing, we are sure that everything will be fine.
    Love ya!

  3. That is reassuring news. I am glad they will be keeping a close eye on it and checking so often to make sure things are good. We love you guys.
